That Particular Moment


You know that moment...

You know that moment in a movie when a cartoon has taken two steps off a cliff, a glass full of water in his hands and he mustn't spill even a single drop. He realizes he can't move forward nor backward and the only option is to fall. Joey looked like that without a puff of smoke. 

He just played video games at our house and then he went home. I once caught Joey in my dad's office staring at the safe in which he knew we kept guns.

Joey once molded his clay toy into a tree with a rope hanging from one of its branches and refused to give a reason why.

I once caught Joey in a Biology class staring at a scapel and a bleeding frog which was the specimen as if he wanted to be the frog itself; sprayed open and bleeding from a blade.


Joey got a promotion yesterday.

Joey can now afford antidepressants.


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