Snatched His Soul





The waters are clear

The winds are still 

But the memories undersea are not at peace 

His soul cries not out of regrets but mercy

Why him, why it had to be this soon 

Give him back, maybe we'll live good 

Maybe the nightmares we have will fade away 

He's the one the waters took 

The brother who's destiny was left untamed 

No reason, just to be recorded on books

No pity of what the world would lose

Give me back my brother's soul, I'm the one he's punishing

His cries still in the waves 

Claiming lives, says he needs one to comfort him in his new home 

Bring back the souls we've lost 

Give us back our brothers you've consumed 

Water is life, waters are clear 

But it's taking away everyone... 

Give the drowning one a hand, it's you he pleads to 

Drain some water out that sea, give a helping hand 

Make the world a little less drowny place

It's you they need...

I still hear his cries 

Begging for mercy, all efforts in vain

They snatched his soul, the waters snatched his soul

And now I'm the one he's punishing.... 

© amimoh


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