New Gotham


Gather around 

Gather around, let darkness fade away

New Gotham is here, the city not at heart 

It's taking it all, and we need everything back

Gather around...

Gotham is where witches are born 

Where darkness roam and hate reigns 

Gotham has black in all odds

Bones the tools of construction

Fear and terror, the air to breathe 

And blood as the river that gives Gotham life

Ooh hail Gotham 

The city untamed, darkness of no name 

Gotham is the home of the great crow 

Where superheroes are born

Great names known and dignity torn 

Where fights are spells and nights hell

Where stories are told and hearts melt

That's Gotham 

The home to all darkness they can ever tell 

Give the crow its rightful price 

Take it out of that city, that dark place 

Deliver Gotham, make the people's needs right

To life they can fight 

And all odds make right 

Tell them it's Gotham 

And they need to run while there's still light 

Gather around 

Gather around, let darkness fade away

Gotham is here, the city not at heart 

Gotham is taking it all, and we need everything back

Gather around...

© amimoh


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