

I have found love. 

The recipes of this love is found in our heart, hands and in between our legs!

So we'd try to enjoy our time with love in our hearts, palm fronds in our hands, and shivers in our legs

I've found love 

The one in whose arms I feel numb

Perfect love, to my friends love has made me dumb

Smiles and butterflies, my days magical and calm

The love I always wanted 

Someone I waited for 

I've found love 

This love will be nasty,if we begin will a little touch here and little peck there

Let’s lock  lips for hours 

Let our saliva exchange homes

Yes,I have found love 

Don’t mistake this for lust 

It’s the beginning of the love I’ve for you

Let's dance to our perfect song 

Lie naked on the floor, face to the ceiling and listen to what our future is telling our past 

Hide behind the curtains, enjoy ourselves until we forget beds exist 

It's the love I've found, making me go crazy 

A perfect one, my life is no more wavy 

I've found the one 

I've found love 

© Synonymous Writes  x  ©amimoh 


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