Gems Of The Past


(Party Specific)     Commercial Label 18A

They say destiny is shaped 

Character and maturity shaped 

But success,

Success is made 

Made by those who believe in the holy name 

Those who rinse the colours out of laziness and higher they aim

The ones whose names we'll read on the walls of Fame 

The alumni of Arambe are back 

They're home, they want to be known

How struggles and hard work made them into what we now know

How respect and purity shaped them into new mold. 

The ones whose names we'll read on the walls of fame

Get your priorities right, make haste 

Do everything you're told in light, be the best 

It's only time and attitude, you'll soon rest 

Arambe has gems for students, claim the fame 

Let your name be praised and written in the walls of fame 

The ones who succeed

The ones who never tire

Your names will be in the halls of fame

Ask him of how he got that high

Ask her of how she did it and succeeded

Let the teachers guide you, obedience in precedence

Consult for directions, ask of how it should be done 

Pray to your God, grace for all the things you want 

Believe in yourself 

Just believe 

For your names we'll read on the walls of fame. 

© amimoh


  1. Good work. They really loved it. 💯


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