

(Photo by @Ricky)




The dark magic has won, habits the shoulders of us feeble

The dark magic lied to him, convinced him to take out his half, have a taste of blood

He has his sanity in hand, feasting from what once gave him life 



His own blood flows right out of his deadly fist

There's a part of him he still refers to as strong

A part that nobody has ever heard of

There's a part of him that's torn, yes

One in which nightmares haunt and make him unknown

The little boy's heart wonders of why he has blood in his hands

Why a stream of blood flows not in his veins but the very nerves that make him human

The heart trusts not itself, says its weak and hurting

Maybe, maybe he's just lost in the dark

The little boy's shoulders carries all the dark magic one can think of

Darkness, black as the only color he knows 

They told him that a real man never speaks out 

Even when the crows eats his sanity away

Even when the dark magic eats his hands away 

That's being a man they say! 

Call out the little guy in horror

Remind him of his past

Tell him the crow is an illusion

Illusions of his dreams and destiny darkening

Tell him the blood in his hands can be washed away and his body made whole again

But sanity; sanity can't be changed, only kept safe 

Remind him to protect his sanity 

Maybe that's the only way he'll defeat the darkness...

© amimoh


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