Isn't that what masculinity has become!
There are things they don't talk of
Shadows they battle in silence
Ideas we only wish we could unlearn
From the darkness we run
And escape from these fights
But somehow the chains drags you back
And makes you believe you'd find all that you lack
It's all darkness, it's all silence
Talk not of your fears, you're a man
Need to be steady and in control, that's all a 'perfect' society is
Masculinity is nailing us on hard wood
Deeping us to the ocean bottom, we can't breath
Society has become our threat
Preaching masculinity while we choke in it
Things they don't talk of, such
Darkness and silence
All wankers are ghosts; the pedophilic priest is talking
All introverts are addicts to coitus; that's the holy nun saved after ten years of being a striper
Judges of the our chains there
They define darkness as our fault, not our nightmares
Things we battle without their knowledge
We run from darkness, but the chains allow us not
So we continue to lie in the dark
Until it becomes part of us
Until we find happiness in it.
And get lost forever...
© amimoh
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