I had friends


There were friends we called brothers

Ones to whom our fates mattered

But we lost them and I guess it doesn't matter anymore

I had friends in culture 

Real friends in all ways, we thought it wouldn't scatter

Until it fell apart, petty issues became heavier

Issues broke us, never for anything to pick up again

There were friends we called brothers, some more loyal than me 

Friends I looked up to, you would think they 'charmed' me 

But my friends left, said adulthood and responsibility called 

The friends I knew, we even swore never to leave in fault

Those are the friends I had 

Those friends

Do you have friends?

Do you confide in souls, cry on shoulders?

Give all for them, keep them close 

Friends of same interests, ones you believe you know 

With this you will grow, everything will flow

It will all flow 

I had friends

Friends I discovered I never really knew 

Those friends...

© amimoh


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