Diffidence (part 2)


Time rewards 

Courage rewards 

Hard Work and perseverance keep you up 

But diffidence delays; it destroys all in black faith

That's what it did to the king's son

He's the true son of his father

The true heir, one on whom no one can ponder 

Blessed in all ways, has everything in powder

But mere diffidence lack in the corners, to destroy all things in blunder

That's what it did to him 

He's the next king

He's the fathers only kin

Others crippled it battle, buried leaving him the royal seat 

Maybe that's why he's so frail, was only a toddler when it happened

He wants to be like them; strong and mighty even better than them 

But diffidence allows him not, it praises him not

Mere shyness destroys him, he can't lead this way 

He's battling it, let's hope he wins 

Let's hope he comes out great 

Let's hope so....


© amimoh


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