Still charming


For all the good times back in our youth

For all those times I calledyou cute

Guess it's the price I pay now

Loving you (with no strength to stop)

        Sixty five years still seems like yesterday

        When for the first time you said yes

        And gave me a responsibility; your heart to  never let it bleed       

Forget the children, they're all grown now

Gave me the best of you, never been a clown

Made me so proud, my generation is now known

A blessing of a lifetime; I'll never drown 

          So give me that smile; let me see your last teeth 

          Walk like the queen you are; let's enjoy the little time we have

           Pay no attention to their critics; they'll make you sad

           Always do good; give our lineage the best; let's hope they remember us....

@ amimoh


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