Unzip me

 Unzip me 

Unzip me, let me show you something

Unzip me, let me tell you something

The world has burnt me down, let me show you

A different version of me on the inside, let me show you 

Unzip me, just do it 

It's burning me on the inside

I'm pretending but I'm going down, trust me it's a slide

There's a face of me you would wanna see, I no longer hide

Trust me there's part of me completely burnt out, not of plea

Just unzip me, try it you'll see 

A candle burns inside me, it's hurting

A mantle of regrets and sorrow, it's hurting

A version of me shaped without letting others see, bloody 

I'm a new one, unzip me and see

I'm remade, unzip me and see

Unzip me... Unzip me 

© amimoh


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