Please don't do it

He's lying to you, please don't do it

Point that gun at me, look at my face

What will you gain from that, look at me

Don't listen to that dark melody, please don't do this

There's no gain in killing yourself, please don't

I was only eight when I first killed a cat

Wasn't easy still hurt inside out

That life was never mine, just like yours not yours

Please don't kill yourself, look at my face

There's nothing you'll gain, he's lying to you

He's manipulating you, please don't fall for it

Consult the spirits, they'll bring you peace

Trust the spirits, you'll never be just a piece

Everything on you, don't try a fake

You'll regret this, please don't do it

Trust me you'll never escape the screams of blood in your hands, please don't do it...

Please don't kill yourself...

© amimoh 


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